Saturday 14 June 2014

REVIEW: Fallen Crest High, by Tijan

Rating: ★★★★★

(semi-spoiler free review)

Genre: Romance, Contemporary,

Summary: Written from the POV of Sam, she comes home to find her mom, Analise, amongst boxes announcing she was leaving Sam's father to live with her new boyfriend, and Sam was going with her. However, Sam's new step-brothers are the notorious Kade Brothers. Composed of Logan and Mason Kade, they are the most wanted by the girls and the guys and are stars on the football field.

Sam is the first girl they come across that doesn't give a damn about them. After discovering her boyfriend had been cheating on her with her "friend", Sam no longer cares about her "friends" or being popular or what people think of her in school, and she goes out of her way to hide her association with the Kades. She doesn't want to trust anyone and spends most of her time alone or out on extensive runs that tire her out.

Her fierce attitude intrigues the brothers and so sparks the beginning of a unique relationship with the brothers, as they take her under their wing and protect her from her abusive mother.

More drama unfolds and Sam finds herself in drama once again, but now she has true friends on her side, and she realises she "has the power".


  1. Characters! Really loved the characters in this book! Samantha is such a great heroin with her careless attitude and her hidden vulnerability that only the Kade brothers can identify. Logan and Mason are a perfect mix of dark, angst, humour but also have a loyal side to them and go much deeper than initially perceived, but not in that much of a "predictable typical" way. The parents are all off the wall but somehow it just works with the story.
  2. Plot; The blurb doesn't give too much away about the plot of this book but the story was thoroughly captivating and addicting. It's mainly about Sam adapting to living with the Kade brothers and dealing with her psycho mom and trying to make her own genuine friends and just trying to overcome the constant obstacles that come her way whilst still not caring about what people think!
  3. Pace; the pace of this book was perfect, it was fast enough to keep my interest but not too fast that I lost track of what was actually happening, and when Sam and Mason happen, it takes its time rather than happening too early on into the book, which I liked.
  4. The Writing; although there were some errors, they were pretty insignificant overall. It was written from the POV of Sam and the tension was intense! The story was just delivered eloquently and I just loved how the scenes were written

  1. Few errors, nothing major. Got a "little" lost with the female characters of Tate, Tanya etc and who was who but they were side characters and not too relevant.

My Thoughts;
Loved loved loved this book so much!
Couldn't put this book down as soon as I started and it is so different to a lot of the books in this genre. Had the perfect mix of suspense, romance and some darkness too.

Would definitely recommend this book, will be one of my favourites!

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