Saturday, 20 February 2016

REVIEW; Entangled - novella (Evolve #2.5), by S.E. Hall


Genre: New Adult, Romance

Recommend: Yes



Laney and Dane are back, and fighting over how to decorate Laney's new Duplex over the summer months. Entering bets and wagers, they go head to head to prove their point. 

Meanwhile the usual drama surrounds them and they also have a wedding to attend... 

Enter into another chapter of their epic love tale, before the new semester begins. 

My Thoughts:

I normally skip the little side novella's as I'm more interested in the greater story, but I'm glad I read this. We got to revisit Laney and Dane and it was refreshing getting inside their minds again and watching them start the next stage of their relationship together. 

"How do I tell her, without sounding like a psycho, that I want to know every facet of her every day? If she laughed, I want to know what was funny. I want to know what she ate, what she wore, who she saw. I want to connect with her on a youthful, carefree level. She needs to know I can relate, that I like to have fun, too. I miss her when we're apart and want to recreate every moment when we're together."

Ahh, so cute! I nearly felt this story conveyed the love and chemistry between Laney and Dane a lot better than in Emerge, despite being a fraction of the length. It's also cool seeing Laney continually develop and become more confident in all aspects of her life. 

There was also a great flow to the story; with the inclusion of Sawyer who will be the focus of Entice, so it fitted in nicely to the overall series. All books in this series could be read as stand-alone books but I love how they incorporate aspects from all of the characters. 

Although, I really wish "baby" would be cut of these books by 50%. It's so grating. 


Decent little novella to support the overall series. Definitely recommend to read if reading the rest as adds in good character support and helps build the story and relationships. Well worth it! 


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